Friday, August 31, 2012


Wow! I have been incredibly busy this week and I am SO happy that it's Friday!! I have been doing so much to prepare for SCHOOL NEXT WEEK!!! =D

August 27, 2012

On Monday, we had our staff retreat day at the Christian Brothers Noble House in Narragansett, Rhode Island. It was a pretty relaxing day with prayer, talking about San Miguel and Saint John Baptist de LaSalle, and just a chance to hang out with everyone. It's super exciting this year at San Miguel Providence because it is our 20th year!!! Needless to say some super fun activities will be coming up throughout the year. One of the projects we did at the retreat day was a picture of "how students see you." I have always thought of my teaching style as that of a coach... So I drew myself in a cute little baseball uniform (complete with the San Miguel star as the logo on the shirt) with some stars describing some of my traits. Thought I would share it =)

Things that made me happy today:
  • retreat day
  • making my math poster for the classroom [see photo!]
  • making my "getting to know you" sheet for the first day of school!! (it's pretty awesome if I do say so myself... but I cannot figure out how to add it on the post right now. I will soon so it can be shared!)
"Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfullfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do." - Pope John XXIII

August 28, 2012

This was a pretty uneventful day of staff meetings =p

Things that made me happy today:
"Don't worry about the future; or worry... but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum." - Sunscreen by Baz Luhrmann

August 29, 2012

Family day at San Miguel!!! The students all came through the doors today with their family in order to have a one-on-one meeting with their homeroom teacher, to fill out forms, and to pick up their uniforms. It was awesome because I got to meet more of my students!!! (sadly, not all of them because I was doing other tasks throughout the day.) THEN around 2:30, the LV staff came to San Miguel for a tour!! They were having their retreat in RI this week, and a majority of them had never seen the school, so they wanted to come visit. Then in the evening, they all had dinner at our house along with some other important people in the Lasallian world! It was a wonderful experience... plus, the food ROCKED!

Things that made me happy today:
  • weather forecast this morning stated "plentiful sunshine"
  • meeting more of my students
  • a student helping me cut out things for my bulletin board
  • finishing the September birthday bulletin board [I'm in charge of doing the birthday board every month at San Miguel] and getting compliments on it
  • LV staff tour and LV dinner
"Life is too short to be anything but happy."

August 30, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
  • getting time at school to get stuff done (getting things done for America!)
  • leftovers! (score for getting out of cooking?)
  • signing up for the gym! Yay for being able to continue my 5K training indoors!
  • making my math rewards chart for the 6th grade! Basically each kid has their own turtle and every day they can either move foward if they rock it out or back if they don't behave/don't have their homework/whatever. Once they get to the "finish" line, they will get a "Turtle Buck" which they can cash in certain amounts for different prizes! Check it out...

I know I'm a cheesy dork but I love it!

SO as you can see... I have been super crafty this week making things for my different classrooms. I probably spent too much time on these different things when I could have been doing something else but that's ok. I think my problem is that once I have an idea there is no stopping me until it is done. Good thing? Bad thing? Not sure.

But who needs sleep? As my friend Cristina Contreras would say, "You can sleep when you're dead." =p

Well, I better be done for now... the DENA LV's are heading to Albany this weekend!!! (And we're leaving in about 2 hours and I have nothing packed. Whoops!)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Wow! I can’t believe that readiness camp with the 5th graders is already over! They did such a great job over the past two weeks and I am so excited to see them when school starts. This week definitely flew by! I guess that it is true that time flies when you’re having fun. =p This upcoming week we have staff training days and then school begins on September 4th!

So let’s recap on the last 3 days of camp and this weekend!

August 22, 2012

Today we went back to Lincoln Woods, the lake where we went the very first day of readiness camp. It was much better this time because all of the boys had their swimsuits and were able to go in the water if they wanted. They also got a kickball game going which was interesting to say the least. I gladly accepted the position of umpire. =) 

Things that made me happy today:
-          Student: (after seeing his reflection in my sunglasses) “Wow. My hair looks good.”
-          One of the students knowing Mafia and teaching it to the other kids during free time (I would just like to point out that even though I did help explain the game, I did not bring it up or suggest that it be played. I’m all about wholesome games for the 5th graders.)
-          Getting cookies in the mail from my BFF Alison O’Connor!!! It was such a wonderful surprise to come home to! =D
-          Getting a facebook post from Liana Vantrease, who is a fellow LV, telling me that she is using the happiness journal idea in her classroom!!!
-          Celebrating BMR’s bday with the community =) 

“God gave us two hands… One to help ourselves, and one to help others.” 

August 23, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Being told I’m “assertive” and that I’m going to do great at San Miguel
-          All of the kids switching seats a thousand times in the auditorium during our tour of LaSalle Academy
-          Looking up Marc (the guy from Spain who is going to be living with us) on Facebook and on Google
-          Searching for marathon flights with B. Dan 

“Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.”

August 24, 2012 

Last day of readiness camp! It honestly went by so fast. We had an all day field trip today, so we left soon after the students arrived. We went to Pulaski Park, which was a pretty low key beach by a lake with a nice field to the side where the kids could play games if they wanted to. It was a very relaxing day spent on the beach. The boys swam, built sandcastles, tried to catch tadpoles, and played Frisbee. Probably the cutest thing ever was this 4 year old kid who just walked over and started helping two of our students build a sandcastle. The two San Miguel boys were so sweet to him, and the 4 year old kid loved the fact that he was helping!
After school I took a much needed nap before dinner, and then we just had a chill community night watching “Say Yes to the Dress” and B. Dan’s favorite… “Fashion Police” =)

Things that made me happy today:
-          The bus ride to Pulaski Park was about 45 minutes. About 30 minutes in, the kids started asking if we were in Texas.
-          Beach all day
-          One of the students teaching another student how to float
-          One of the 8th grade students was making his pec muscles move and the 5th graders were absolutely fascinated by it. Then, one of the 5th graders says, “I’m gonna do that. I’ll be like, *boom* *boom*… Wanna go out?”
-          Conversation at dinner… Angela: “BMR, did you make this potato salad?” BMR: “Yeah.” Angela: “It’s really good.” BMR: “I know.” Haha he’s so humble.

 “Do what you can… with what you have… where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

August 25, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Finally rearranging my room! [see pictures below!]
-          Getting a plethora of school supplies for only $11 (Gotta love Wally World!)
-          Going to church with BMR and Sophia
-          Dinner at Amy and Sophia’s apartment
-          BMR talking to us about how he read “50 Shades of Grey”

“Cause these are the days worth living, these are the years we're given, and these are the moments, these are the times, let's make the best out of our lives…” – Our Lives by The Calling
Pictures of my humble abode (all it needs are some posters and more pictures!):
My bed and bookshelf

 My dressers

 My lovely desk

The view from my window
And at my mom's request... pictures of the Pawtucket Palace! (aka where I am living)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rhode Island Rocks


Ok so here comes the weekend plus a few days update...

August 17, 2012

Today was another looong day of readiness camp! We took the kids into Massachusetts to one of the staff member’s beach houses for a day of swimming and playing games! It was another gorgeous ocean view. The students enjoyed playing in the water as well as hunting for crabs among the rocks. By lunch time, they had 2 buckets full of them! They were so excited each time they picked one up. However, one of the boys stuck one in my face which, I can assure you, I did NOT enjoy. After several hours in the sand, sun, and water, we had a barbeque before heading back to school. I could tell that they all had a lot of fun because on the hour bus ride back, roughly half of them fell asleep. =p

Tonight we went to a Greek festival as a community to get dinner and watch some dancing. The food was delicious although some of the options made me nervous hah.  

Things that made me happy today:
-          Comments that the kids said not meaning to be inappropriate but they turn out to be
-          One of the boys telling me that my “shades look awesome”
-          Beach <3
-          This conversation… Student: “You lied. That’s not iced tea in your cup. It’s beer!” Me: “No… it’s iced tea. I promise you.” Student: “I didn’t see any in the cooler! You’re drinking a Heineken!” Me: “No, it’s iced tea… I got it inside.” Student: “YOU ARE LYING! IT’S A HEINEKEN! I KNOW IT!” (Disclaimer: It was definitely iced tea.)
-          One of the 8th graders asking if I would get mad if he called me Carly instead of Miss Myrtle
-          I guess in general as you can see… The San Miguel students make me smile =D I love them already! 

 "Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean 

August 18, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Day 2 of my 5K training completed… so proud of myself! (Sidebar: I am participating in a 5K in November in order to raise money for Lasallian Volunteers! For more information and an opportunity to donate… click here!
-          Getting a few new items of clothing at the mall (despite the fact that the actual mall stressed me out because it was so crowded!) 

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

August 19, 2012 

Things that made me happy today:

-          Waking up late
-          Ice-cream with Sarah, the 6th grade teacher at San Miguel who is my mentor for the upcoming year
-          Skyping my family in order to sing “Happy Birthday” to my brother with them at his family party 

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.' They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon 

August 20, 2012 

Second week of readiness camp started today! In the afternoon we went hiking at a place called Purgatory Chasm. It was actually really difficult among the rocks! But we were split up into groups of about 5 people, so it was easier to stick together. I had a great time watching the students encourage each other and help one another through the tough spots. After our long hike, they were all ready to take a break and be on level ground. Some played kickball while others played board games. Connect Four seems to be the most popular, which I again was able to play with some of the boys! They are hilarious with their strategizing and everything.
On the way home, I went to a few different places trying to find a planner to use for lessons and such… IMPOSSIBLE! I suppose I will have to buy one online. But I did score 6 things at the dollar store, hah. THEN when I got home I went for a run/walk and my body hated me for doing such a thing after I was hiking all day. BUT I am now officially signed up for the 5K in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Yay!

Things that made me happy today:
-          Student (out of nowhere): “I think I’m gonna get puberty.”
-          The beautiful weather
-          One student telling me while we were playing Connect Four that I was using my “genius teacher mind” to win and that “all teachers do it.”
-          The 5th grade teacher who I’ve been working with telling me that I’m doing a good job with the kids =)
-          Doing my run/walk for training even though I really didn’t want to and completing it!

“You don’t have to be great in order to start… but you have to start in order to be great.” – Zig Zagler

August 21, 2012

Today I feel like I actually started “working.” One of my assignments in my job description in addition to teaching is being the adult mentoring coordinator. Through the mentoring program, adults from the community come into school once a week in order to have a one on one lunch period with a student at San Miguel. SO today since I finally have my school computer and e-mail address, I was able to start e-mailing the mentors! I got through a great deal of them, but there is definitely more to be done tomorrow!
This afternoon it was movie field trip day with the boys!! We went to see Men in Black 3. Surprisingly, I really liked it! I was a little nervous at the beginning because there were a few gross things, but it turned out to be a good movie. And, really, all that matters is that the students enjoyed the movie as well as their fun dip. =p
AND we come to tonight. It was my turn to cook dinner, so I decide to cook something that my mom usually makes and it’s basically chicken covered in rice, cream of chicken soup, and broccoli. OK SO… my mom always makes it with white rice, but we only had brown rice. No big deal, right? WRONG. Apparently, even if the recipe calls for uncooked rice, when you use brown rice you still need to cook it first. Needless to say, Brother Michael and I ate my chicken with uncooked rice (the chicken and the broccoli were still good… it was just a little crunchy with the rice... oops). I must say though, my crescent rolls came out absolutely perfect, which is strange because I usually burn those. ANYWAYS, after we finished eating and we were waiting for the others… we decided to “fix” my meal. So we took the pieces of chicken out of the rice mix and put the rice mix in a pot with some boiling water and in about 20 minutes the rice was cooked and all was right in community dinner world and Brother Dan, Angela, and Gloria were able to enjoy a fully cooked meal. 

Things that made me happy today:
-          Starting to work on the mentor program
-          Same kid from last week who talked to me about the fact that I’m not married… this is our conversation today: Him: “I still can’t believe you’re not married.” Me: (laughing) “I have time, really… I’m not worried.” Him: “Man, when I’m your age, I’m gonna have a ton of people asking me to get married. Maybe you should try online dating.”
-          Fixing my meal with BMR “Never a dull moment.” – Brother Michael
-          Oreos!! (always brighten up the day)

“The person who doesn’t make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.” – Paul Arden

<3 Carly

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hello friends and family! As you know I have just moved to Rhode Island to start a year of service as a Lasallian Volunteer at The San Miguel School in Providence. I am super excited for this next chapter in my life. SO even though I have not had a blog since I was a freshman in high school (shout out to xanga!) and I have never kept a journal or diary, I wanted to start a blog now for two reasons. First, to keep my family and friends back home and elsewhere “in the loop”… especially those who don’t have a facebook. Second, to remember all of the amazing things that I do this year! I hope you enjoy what I write, and if you don’t… well, stop reading it.

Another thing that I am going to add to each day is something that my friend Danielle told me about. It’s called a “Happiness Journal.” Every night you write down the things that made you happy that day even if they are silly. Then you try to write a quote to go along with it. So some days, even if I don’t have a full on post/story… I’m going to do that =D

My first post is going to be a heffer because even though I didn’t officially start blogging I have been writing things =)

August 9, 2012

I had a nice 2 hour flight from Chicago and arrived safely in Rhode Island. I only had 5 minutes in the Pawtucket palace before I had to turn around and leave so that Angela (another LV who is living in the house with me) and I could make the train to Foxborough, Massachusetts to see the first New England Patriots pre-season game! After taking a couple photos with some patriot soldiers, we found our amazing seats! They were so close to the field since BMR has great connections hah. The game wasn’t too exciting… only one touchdown the whole time with the score at the end of the game being Patriots 7 – Saints 6. BUT it was still a fun time because Angela and I had a chance to talk about lots of things as well as the opportunity to listen to the scandalous stories from the drunk people all around us. =p After the game was over, we had to make the long trek back to the train… don’t worry we only went the wrong way a couple of times. So we finally get on the train and there is still about 20 minutes until it leaves. We’re sitting there complaining that we wish it would start going because we’re tired… And then all of the sudden they say stuff over the speaker. Of course, I wasn’t paying attention… Then they say it again and it’s “Once again [blah, blah, blah]… Boston.” Angela turns to me with a panicked look on her face and says, “BOSTON?! WE NEED TO GET OFF THIS TRAIN!” Just to make sure, she asks the man next to us and he indeed confirms that this train is headed to Boston, not Providence. So we get up and dash off this train and book it for the other one because we have approximately 2 minutes until the train leaves! Luckily, we made it just in time and had a lovely long ride back home. Needless to say, my first day here was quite an adventure. So excited for the rest of the year =D

Things that made me happy today:
      -          Walk with Tucker before I left home
-          Ice-cream at Gillette Stadium
-          Almost getting on the wrong train

 “This is the first day of the rest of your life…” – Hold Us Together by Matt Maher

 August 10, 2012

I picked up my lovely car from San Miguel this morning… a wonderful Toyota Camry with 170,000 miles on it. Besides jerking from the brakes the first 2 minutes it was smooth sailing the rest of the way home. Although I’ll miss my car that’s back in LGP, I think I will like this one. When I got home I went straight back to bed until noon like a slacker. The rest of my day was spent unpacking and putting stuff away until everyone else got home from work. Then we ordered pizza and had a glamorous dinner in front of the TV! Definitely not as good as Chicago pizza, but it still hit the spot.

Things that made me happy today:
-          Opening the card from my family
-          The picture my mom sent of Tucker
-          Certain text messages from people

“Lately, I’m beginning to find that when I drive myself, my light is found… Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes…” – Drive by Incubus

August 11, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Making eggs for breakfast
      -          Grocery shopping and not being able to find my car afterwards because it wasn’t “my car”
-          Harry Potter on ABC Family
-          Going out to the bars

“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” – Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

August 12, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Seeing the ocean for the first time
-          Eating watermelon, grapes, and cheese & crackers on the beach
-          The smell of salt water from the ocean and the taste of it on my lips
-          Going to the Starry Night gala

“It’s always happy hour at the beach.”

August 13, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Going into Providence for a bit to walk around
      -          Finding Froyo World which will satisfy until I get back home and can have Red Mango
      -          First official community dinner and prayer
-          Skyping with Jackie Markowski

“If you support the community, they will support you.” – Jerry Greenfield

August 14, 2012

Today was my first official day at San Miguel! We started the readiness camp for the incoming 5th graders… which is basically like their orientation to the school and a chance for them to get to know their classmates. I had a wonderful time working with them today as well as the two 8th grade volunteers. Too bad I won’t be actually teaching the 5th grade for anything because they are absolutely adorable and they seem like a great class! But at least I’ll know 2 of my 8th grade students when classes start in a few weeks! =) The morning was basically routine stuff and a getting to know you game, but after lunch we got on a bus to head to Lincoln Woods where the boys could swim in the lake or play games in the open field. Overall, a great day… I even heard one of the students say, “BEST. SCHOOL TRIP. EVER.” Wonder if his mind will change later this week or next week when we do more fun-filled trips. =p I am just super excited to be a part of San Miguel Providence and am looking forward to the upcoming school year!

When I got home I hung out for a little bit before I had to start making dinner for the first time for my community! I made some delicious lasagna (if I do say so myself) as well as some garlic bread and salad. It was also my first time leading prayer, which I also think went well. I am so happy to be adjusting to community life =)

Things that made me happy today:
-          Meeting all the 5th grade students
-          The two 8th graders being such great role models
-          Seeing the students bond with each other
-          Making dinner for everyone 

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

August 15, 2012

Well it was a torrential downpour when I woke up this morning, meaning that my commute to San Miguel was insane! The streets were so flooded; it was scary. But needless to say I somehow made it to school alive and was super excited to shake the hands of the 5th grade Miguel men this morning. After another routine morning, we filed into the bus to head to the bowling alley! I had an absolute blast bumper bowling with my two 5th grade teammates! They were even being super gentlemen and kept picking up the ball for me before I could get to it myself… it was so sweet! I could tell that all of the kids had a great time. For some of them, it was their first time bowling! It was awesome to see them cheering on their classmates and getting so excited when they did well.

Things that made me happy today:
-          Seeing the 5th graders smiling faces as they came back to school this morning and shook my hand
-          Playing Connect Four at break time with one of the kids who claimed “I could never beat him.” The first game he “let me win because he didn’t want to beat a girl.” The second game, however, I won fair and square.
-          Bowling
-          A conversation I had with one of the students. He looked at my hand and goes, “You’re not married?” When I told him no, I’m only 23… He replied, “Oh. Well you should get married. That way you won’t be lonely.” After I laughed and said that I wasn’t too worried and that I have time he stated, “You should be married in 2 years. I give you 2 years.”
-          Hearing that one of my besties, Kristen Yarka, was offered a junior high science position! So excited for her and the fact that we can share ideas!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” – Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

August 16, 2012 (TODAY!)

Well, I’ve been in Rhode Island for exactly one week… and so far, I’m loving it. I treated myself to some Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee on my way to work which always puts me in a good mood. Today we had an all-day fishing trip with the students! It was all of the 5th graders, the two 8th grade volunteers who have been with us all week, and several other 8th graders coming to help out. The park and lake we were at was absolutely gorgeous. It was so adorable to see all of them cast out and to watch how excited they got when they actually caught a fish! As for me, I did a great job supervising, hah. All of the kids had a blast and it was so wonderful to see how proud they were of the number of fish they caught. (Don’t worry – they put all of them back in the water. We didn’t lug back 200 fish.) The only bad thing that happened is that one of the 5th graders got a hook stuck in his leg and it was scary and he had to go to the ER to get it taken out. =/ but he was super brave. Other than that, a pretty good day!

After community dinner and prayer, Brother Dan, Gloria, Angela, and I went to go get “Awful Awfuls.” (Apparently it’s an east coast thing.) They are kind of like milkshakes but they aren’t thick. The slogan is “Awful Big, Awful Good.” Let me tell you, my strawberry awful awful was DEFINITELY good, but I could have taken a bigger one! It was delicious and a great way to end the evening. =)

Things that made me happy today:
-          Meeting more of my upcoming 8th grade students
      -          Watching the boys fish and how excited they got when they caught something
-          Seeing how the 8th graders helped the 5th graders fish and also how they are trying to “train them” to be Miguel Men =)
-          Awful Awfuls and conversations outside the restaurant

“Hakuna Matata. It means no worries…” – The Lion King

Hopefully you enjoyed my long winded post! Until next time… <3 Carly