Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rhode Island Rocks


Ok so here comes the weekend plus a few days update...

August 17, 2012

Today was another looong day of readiness camp! We took the kids into Massachusetts to one of the staff member’s beach houses for a day of swimming and playing games! It was another gorgeous ocean view. The students enjoyed playing in the water as well as hunting for crabs among the rocks. By lunch time, they had 2 buckets full of them! They were so excited each time they picked one up. However, one of the boys stuck one in my face which, I can assure you, I did NOT enjoy. After several hours in the sand, sun, and water, we had a barbeque before heading back to school. I could tell that they all had a lot of fun because on the hour bus ride back, roughly half of them fell asleep. =p

Tonight we went to a Greek festival as a community to get dinner and watch some dancing. The food was delicious although some of the options made me nervous hah.  

Things that made me happy today:
-          Comments that the kids said not meaning to be inappropriate but they turn out to be
-          One of the boys telling me that my “shades look awesome”
-          Beach <3
-          This conversation… Student: “You lied. That’s not iced tea in your cup. It’s beer!” Me: “No… it’s iced tea. I promise you.” Student: “I didn’t see any in the cooler! You’re drinking a Heineken!” Me: “No, it’s iced tea… I got it inside.” Student: “YOU ARE LYING! IT’S A HEINEKEN! I KNOW IT!” (Disclaimer: It was definitely iced tea.)
-          One of the 8th graders asking if I would get mad if he called me Carly instead of Miss Myrtle
-          I guess in general as you can see… The San Miguel students make me smile =D I love them already! 

 "Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean 

August 18, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
-          Day 2 of my 5K training completed… so proud of myself! (Sidebar: I am participating in a 5K in November in order to raise money for Lasallian Volunteers! For more information and an opportunity to donate… click here! https://lasallianvolunteers.myetap.org/fundraiser/lvsrun/individual.do?participationRef=3889.0.315784262)
-          Getting a few new items of clothing at the mall (despite the fact that the actual mall stressed me out because it was so crowded!) 

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

August 19, 2012 

Things that made me happy today:

-          Waking up late
-          Ice-cream with Sarah, the 6th grade teacher at San Miguel who is my mentor for the upcoming year
-          Skyping my family in order to sing “Happy Birthday” to my brother with them at his family party 

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.' They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon 

August 20, 2012 

Second week of readiness camp started today! In the afternoon we went hiking at a place called Purgatory Chasm. It was actually really difficult among the rocks! But we were split up into groups of about 5 people, so it was easier to stick together. I had a great time watching the students encourage each other and help one another through the tough spots. After our long hike, they were all ready to take a break and be on level ground. Some played kickball while others played board games. Connect Four seems to be the most popular, which I again was able to play with some of the boys! They are hilarious with their strategizing and everything.
On the way home, I went to a few different places trying to find a planner to use for lessons and such… IMPOSSIBLE! I suppose I will have to buy one online. But I did score 6 things at the dollar store, hah. THEN when I got home I went for a run/walk and my body hated me for doing such a thing after I was hiking all day. BUT I am now officially signed up for the 5K in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Yay!

Things that made me happy today:
-          Student (out of nowhere): “I think I’m gonna get puberty.”
-          The beautiful weather
-          One student telling me while we were playing Connect Four that I was using my “genius teacher mind” to win and that “all teachers do it.”
-          The 5th grade teacher who I’ve been working with telling me that I’m doing a good job with the kids =)
-          Doing my run/walk for training even though I really didn’t want to and completing it!

“You don’t have to be great in order to start… but you have to start in order to be great.” – Zig Zagler

August 21, 2012

Today I feel like I actually started “working.” One of my assignments in my job description in addition to teaching is being the adult mentoring coordinator. Through the mentoring program, adults from the community come into school once a week in order to have a one on one lunch period with a student at San Miguel. SO today since I finally have my school computer and e-mail address, I was able to start e-mailing the mentors! I got through a great deal of them, but there is definitely more to be done tomorrow!
This afternoon it was movie field trip day with the boys!! We went to see Men in Black 3. Surprisingly, I really liked it! I was a little nervous at the beginning because there were a few gross things, but it turned out to be a good movie. And, really, all that matters is that the students enjoyed the movie as well as their fun dip. =p
AND we come to tonight. It was my turn to cook dinner, so I decide to cook something that my mom usually makes and it’s basically chicken covered in rice, cream of chicken soup, and broccoli. OK SO… my mom always makes it with white rice, but we only had brown rice. No big deal, right? WRONG. Apparently, even if the recipe calls for uncooked rice, when you use brown rice you still need to cook it first. Needless to say, Brother Michael and I ate my chicken with uncooked rice (the chicken and the broccoli were still good… it was just a little crunchy with the rice... oops). I must say though, my crescent rolls came out absolutely perfect, which is strange because I usually burn those. ANYWAYS, after we finished eating and we were waiting for the others… we decided to “fix” my meal. So we took the pieces of chicken out of the rice mix and put the rice mix in a pot with some boiling water and in about 20 minutes the rice was cooked and all was right in community dinner world and Brother Dan, Angela, and Gloria were able to enjoy a fully cooked meal. 

Things that made me happy today:
-          Starting to work on the mentor program
-          Same kid from last week who talked to me about the fact that I’m not married… this is our conversation today: Him: “I still can’t believe you’re not married.” Me: (laughing) “I have time, really… I’m not worried.” Him: “Man, when I’m your age, I’m gonna have a ton of people asking me to get married. Maybe you should try online dating.”
-          Fixing my meal with BMR “Never a dull moment.” – Brother Michael
-          Oreos!! (always brighten up the day)

“The person who doesn’t make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.” – Paul Arden

<3 Carly

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