Friday, August 31, 2012


Wow! I have been incredibly busy this week and I am SO happy that it's Friday!! I have been doing so much to prepare for SCHOOL NEXT WEEK!!! =D

August 27, 2012

On Monday, we had our staff retreat day at the Christian Brothers Noble House in Narragansett, Rhode Island. It was a pretty relaxing day with prayer, talking about San Miguel and Saint John Baptist de LaSalle, and just a chance to hang out with everyone. It's super exciting this year at San Miguel Providence because it is our 20th year!!! Needless to say some super fun activities will be coming up throughout the year. One of the projects we did at the retreat day was a picture of "how students see you." I have always thought of my teaching style as that of a coach... So I drew myself in a cute little baseball uniform (complete with the San Miguel star as the logo on the shirt) with some stars describing some of my traits. Thought I would share it =)

Things that made me happy today:
  • retreat day
  • making my math poster for the classroom [see photo!]
  • making my "getting to know you" sheet for the first day of school!! (it's pretty awesome if I do say so myself... but I cannot figure out how to add it on the post right now. I will soon so it can be shared!)
"Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfullfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do." - Pope John XXIII

August 28, 2012

This was a pretty uneventful day of staff meetings =p

Things that made me happy today:
"Don't worry about the future; or worry... but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum." - Sunscreen by Baz Luhrmann

August 29, 2012

Family day at San Miguel!!! The students all came through the doors today with their family in order to have a one-on-one meeting with their homeroom teacher, to fill out forms, and to pick up their uniforms. It was awesome because I got to meet more of my students!!! (sadly, not all of them because I was doing other tasks throughout the day.) THEN around 2:30, the LV staff came to San Miguel for a tour!! They were having their retreat in RI this week, and a majority of them had never seen the school, so they wanted to come visit. Then in the evening, they all had dinner at our house along with some other important people in the Lasallian world! It was a wonderful experience... plus, the food ROCKED!

Things that made me happy today:
  • weather forecast this morning stated "plentiful sunshine"
  • meeting more of my students
  • a student helping me cut out things for my bulletin board
  • finishing the September birthday bulletin board [I'm in charge of doing the birthday board every month at San Miguel] and getting compliments on it
  • LV staff tour and LV dinner
"Life is too short to be anything but happy."

August 30, 2012

Things that made me happy today:
  • getting time at school to get stuff done (getting things done for America!)
  • leftovers! (score for getting out of cooking?)
  • signing up for the gym! Yay for being able to continue my 5K training indoors!
  • making my math rewards chart for the 6th grade! Basically each kid has their own turtle and every day they can either move foward if they rock it out or back if they don't behave/don't have their homework/whatever. Once they get to the "finish" line, they will get a "Turtle Buck" which they can cash in certain amounts for different prizes! Check it out...

I know I'm a cheesy dork but I love it!

SO as you can see... I have been super crafty this week making things for my different classrooms. I probably spent too much time on these different things when I could have been doing something else but that's ok. I think my problem is that once I have an idea there is no stopping me until it is done. Good thing? Bad thing? Not sure.

But who needs sleep? As my friend Cristina Contreras would say, "You can sleep when you're dead." =p

Well, I better be done for now... the DENA LV's are heading to Albany this weekend!!! (And we're leaving in about 2 hours and I have nothing packed. Whoops!)

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